Newspaper Issue
Commuter - May 25, 1970 - Volume 1, Edition 9
公开- 1
- 9
- Editor-in-Chief - Roger Zippler Opinion Editor - Gisela Cory Feature Editor - Mary Ann Poehler Photographer - Nancy Austin Advisor - Ken Cheney Staff - Lynette Batchelor, Sue Bunce, Tim Fisher, Jim Haynes, Peggie Lennon, Roger Maler, Joyce Miner, Arnold Roberts, Gary Swenson, Terry Wall "A Stoned of Beauty" - Uncredited "Express Yourself" by Danon Kroessin [Untitled] by Dave Bloom "Civil War" by Joyce Miner "Flowers Blossom" by Joyce Miner "Where Are His Thoughts?" by Joyce Miner "Of Dreams and Thoughts and Things" by Dave Bloom "A Self Made Lonely Man" by Travis Paulson "She is Beautiful" by Rocky Road "Happy" by Joyce Miner "Enigma: Predestination: Free Will" by C.W. Hoppell "The Universe and Its Women" by Dave Bloom "To Speak to a Friend" by Dave Blooom "Stars" - Uncredited "3 Percent" by Ed Doony "The Traveler" by Danon Kroessin "Darkness" by Danon Kroessin [Untitled] by Travis Paulson "The Pool Hustl---" by Travis Paulson (Name Cutoff) "---r of Introversion" by Dave Bloom (Name and Chunk of Poem Cutoff) "--tle the Wind" by Dave Bloom (Name and Chunk of Poem Cutoff) "Ticket for a Free Ride, but No Refunds" by Travis Paulson "People" by Danon Kroessin "A Moment's Inspiration" by Rocky Road "Untitled" by Joyce Miner "Three Untitled Thoughts" by Joyce Miner "Untitled" by Joyce Miner (Different Poem) Columnist - Robert John Wheeler Letter to LBCC - Richard Nixon
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