Open Educational Resources
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118 Item
Last Updated: 2021-04-13
Detalhes da coleção
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Obras (118)
- Descrição:
- A remix of several OER chemistry textbooks customized for use at LBCC. Note that some chapters have a more open license. The third of a three term college chemistry sequence for students in, human performance, certain health occupations programs, agriculture, animal science, and fisheries and wildlife. This sequence is for students who have had no previous training in chemistry and whose program of study requires only a one-year sequence of college chemistry. Topics include rates of reactions, chemical equilibrium, acid/base equilibrium, buffers, ionic equilibrium, thermodynamics, and electrochemistry.
- Palavra-chave:
- LBCC OER Grant
- Sujeito:
- Chemistry
- O Criador:
- Ommidala Pattawong
- Editor:
- Linn-Benton Community College
- Data Criada:
- 2021
- Resource Type:
- Textbook and Reading

- Descrição:
- A comprehensive introduction to the art, history and workings of the theater. Students will be given a broad and general background in theater including production elements (lights, sound, sets, costumes, make-up, etc...) of acting, theater history and criticism. Students will attend live performances, view videos of plays and write reviews of live and filmed theater. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: Develop a working definition of theatre. Identify the roles of theatre practitioners. Identify the basic structure of a play script. Apply the basic criteria for theatre criticism. Identify the various theatre genres. Identify and describe the functions and use of different lighting, sound and other stage equipment. Examine the values within the range of the human experience and its impact in the expression of Theater.
- Sujeito:
- Performing Arts
- O Criador:
- Tinamarie Ivey and Dan Stone
- Editor:
- Linn-Benton Community College
- Língua:
- English
- Data Criada:
- 2019
- Resource Type:
- Full Course

- Descrição:
- This course is designed as a survey course to familiarize students with computer concepts including software and hardware, software applications, and living online leading towards digital computer literacy. Instruction in this course is provided through demonstration and discussion. Class time will be provided for practicing concepts as well as working through assignments; however, additional time outside of class will be essential to improve skills and complete the assignments.
- Sujeito:
- Computer Science
- O Criador:
- Sisi Virasak and Ziko Rizk
- Editor:
- Linn-Benton Community College
- Língua:
- English
- Data Criada:
- 2017
- Resource Type:
- Full Course

- Descrição:
- This is a survey course of discrete mathematics for non-physical science majors. Topics include systems of inequalities, linear programming, probability and probability distributions, and an introduction to descriptive statistics. The course emphasizes problem solving through the use of computer spreadsheets. Course Outcomes: 1. Identify and solve linear programming problems. 2. Write and analyze algebraic models for business and other applications. 3. Solve business and biological applications using probability distributions.
- Sujeito:
- Calculus
- O Criador:
- Linn Benton Virtual College
- Resource Type:
- Full Course

- Descrição:
- This course will assist students in developing effective and successful social media marketing campaigns. Students will have the opportunity to formulate a social media marketing plan with an appropriate target market using relevant social media channels and metric analysis and maintenance. Course Outcomes: 1. Describe video utilization in Social Media. 2. List methods for search engine optimization. 3. Discuss emerging Social Media technologies.
- Sujeito:
- Sociology
- O Criador:
- Linn Benton Virtual College
- Resource Type:
- Full Course

- Descrição:
- Examples and quizzes to reinforce understanding of APA and MLA style and formatting. A quiz bank is available in XHTML or Moodle XML format. These can be imported into a learning management system for students to check their understanding.
- Sujeito:
- Composition and Rhetoric
- O Criador:
- Jennifer Kepka, Adam Karnes, and Kacie Wills
- Resource Type:
- Homework/Assignment, Interactive, and Assessment

- Descrição:
- This course is designed to prepare you to comprehend, interpret, and respond to legal and ethical situations in the healthcare setting with diverse populations in a culturally competent way. NOTE: This is an ethics class, which inherently requires meaningful conversations with other people. As a student in this class, you will be required to regularly meet with other individuals to discuss ethical questions that occur in healthcare. Be aware that you will be required to facilitate a group discussion for most Modules. Plan ahead as you prepare to take this course, and have a pool of individuals available who are willing to have ethical discussions with you. Class Outcomes: 1. Demonstrate respect for diversity in approaching patients and families. 2. Identify the role of self-boundaries in the healthcare environment. 3. Recognize the role of patient advocacy in the your professional practice. 4. Discuss legal scope of practice for medical assistance and coders. 5. Explore issue of confidentiality as it applies to the medical assistant and to coders. 6. Describe the implications of HIPAA for the medical assistant and the coder in various medical settings. 7. Discuss licensure and certification as it applies to healthcare providers. 8. Describe liability, professional, personal injury, and third party insurance. 9. Compare and contrast physician, medical assistant, and coder roles in terms of standard of care. 10. Compare criminal and civil law as it applies to practicing medical assistant and coders. 11. Provide an example of tort law as it would apply to a medical assistant and coders. 12 Explain how the following impact the healthcare practice and give examples: Negligence. 13. Explain how the following impact the healthcare practice and give examples: Malpractice. 14. Explain how the following impact the healthcare practice and give examples: Statute of Limitations. 15. Explain how the following impact the healthcare practice and give examples: Good Samaritan Act(s). 16. Explain how the following impact the healthcare practice and give examples: Uniform Anatomical Gift Act. 17. Explain how the following impact the healthcare practice and give examples: Living Will/Advanced directives. 18. Explain how the following impact the healthcare practice and give examples: Medical durable power of attorney. 19. Identify how the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applies to the medical assisting and coding profession. 20. List and discuss legal and illegal interview questions. 21. Discuss all levels of governmental legislation and regulation as they apply to medical assisting practice, including FDA and DEA regulations. 22. Describe the process to follow if an error is made in patient care Respond to issues of confidentiality. 23. Perform within scope of practice. Apply HIPAA rules in regard to privacy/release of information. 24. Practice within the standard of care for a medical assistant and/or coder. 25. Incorporate the Patient's Bill of Right's into personal practice. and medical office policies and procedures. 26. Complete an incident report. 27. Document accurately in the patient record. 28. Apply local, state and federal healthcare legislation appropriate to the medical assisting and coding practice setting. 29. Demonstrate sensitivity to patient rights. 30. Demonstrate awareness of the consequences of not working within the legal scope of practice. 31. Recognize the importance of local, state and federal legislation and regulations in the practice setting. 32. Differentiate between legal, ethical, and moral issues affecting healthcare. 33. Compare personal, professional and organizational ethics. 34. Discuss the role of cultural, social and ethnic diversity in ethical performance in the healthcare practice. 35. Identify where to report illegal and/or unsafe activities and behaviors that affect health, safety and welfare of others. 36. Identify the effect personal ethics may have on professional performance. 37. Report illegal and/or unsafe activities and behaviors that affect health, safety and welfare of others to proper authorities. 38. Develop a plan for separation of personal and professional ethics. 39. Apply ethical behaviors, including honesty, integrity in the performance of medical assisting and coding practice. 40. Examine the impact personal ethics and morals may have on the individual's practice. 41. Demonstrate awareness of diversity in providing patient care.
- Sujeito:
- Health, Medicine and Nursing
- O Criador:
- Linn Benton Virtual College
- Resource Type:
- Full Course
- Descrição:
- This course provides an introduction into electrical troubleshooting theory in troubleshooting common electrical problems including: low voltage, high voltage, unwanted resistance, open circuits, high resistance shorts-to-ground, and current and voltage unbalance. Efficiency technology and sustainable practices are covered. An effective troubleshooting methodology is embedded in this course.
- Sujeito:
- Electronic Technology
- O Criador:
- Ken Dickson-Self
- Resource Type:
- Homework/Assignment and Activity/Lab

- Descrição:
- This course introduces terminology and gives an overview of the computer and information science. It focuses on the basic concepts of computer hardware and software systems, software applications, online inquiry, and evaluation of materials including ethical decisions. It also includes concepts reinforced in a laboratory environment. Through specific hands-on experience you will gather, evaluate, and solve real-world problems and form decisions based upon critical examination of today's technology. This class is designed to teach you how to use a computer running a Windows Operating System. If you do not have access to a Windows computer or have problems doing assessments, please contact your Navigator to discuss your options. Course Outcomes: 1. Identify current and future trends in computing and recognize various computing devices and their uses. 2. Identify the parts of a computer and their features and functions and recognize the advantages and limitations of important peripheral devices. 3. Identify and describe the features of desktop and specialized computer operating systems and understand the importance of system utilities, backups, and file management. 4. Explain why the web is important in today's society and why fluency in the tools and language of the Internet is necessary to be an educated consumer, a better student, an informed citizen, and a valuable employee. 5. Understand what a computer network is, identify different types of networks, and recognize threats to security and privacy. 6. Demonstrate the proper use of basic word processing, spreadsheet and presentation software features.
- Sujeito:
- Computer Science
- O Criador:
- Linn Benton Virtual College
- Resource Type:
- Full Course

- Descrição:
- BI 101 is an introductory lab science course intended for majors in disciplines other than the biological sciences. This course is designed to help you discover the applications of science to your everyday life, as well as provide elements of critical thinking. This course has four Credit Units that emphasize a variety of topics including ecological principles, biodiversity, and impact of human activities on the environment. Course Outcomes: 1. Discuss biological community interactions. 2. Explain how changes in human population and/or actions impact natural ecosystems. 3. Describe the movement of energy & nutrients through trophic levels. 4. Recognize the appropriate taxonomic level of an organism based on key characteristics or traits.
- Sujeito:
- Biology
- O Criador:
- Linn Benton Virtual College
- Resource Type:
- Full Course