- 描述:
- This course will provide you with a general survey of the nature significance of scope of marketing. It emphasizes customers (marketing analysis and strategy); business marketing decisions in promotion, distribution and pricing; and control of marketing programs. Course Outcomes: 1. Employ the basics of marketing, from identifying audience, market segments and value propositions, to product development and research, marketing strategies and advertising/public relations. 2. Recognize consumer behavior and demand and be able to prepare and execute a marketing solution. 3. Master business marketing tools necessary to execute a marketing plan for a client, including social media. 4. Identify trends and new developments in business and employ soft skills and marketing techniques to adapt to market demands. 5. Compile a portfolio of work that can be shared with colleagues, network connections and future clients and employers.
- 学科:
- Marketing
- 创造者:
- Linn Benton Virtual College
- Resource Type:
- Full Course
- 描述:
- This course explores the basics of human resource management including selection and hiring, performance appraisal, compensation, staff planning and job analysis. This course also addresses current HR issues such as job search in a difficult economy, discrimination and harassment, workplace violence and on-the-job drug abuse. Course Outcomes: 1. Upon completion of the course, students will have working knowledge of the role and human resources in the management of a business organization. 2. Students will understand the basic functions of human resource management and how the HR department interacts with the organization and with the individual employee.
- 学科:
- Management
- 创造者:
- Linn Benton Virtual College
- Resource Type:
- Full Course
- 描述:
- The key decision-making role of managers in modern organizations. Includes the study of organizations, management styles, and selected administrative problems. An overview of the processes involved in managing a business, including business planning, organizing, controlling, staffing and leading. Covers various theories of management with emphasis on managing a business in the local, national or international marketplace.
- 学科:
- Management
- 创造者:
- Mindy Bean
- 出版者:
- Linn-Benton Community College
- Resource Type:
- Full Course
- 描述:
- This course provides hands-on computer experience in accounting applications, including general ledger, accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll, and financial statements. Course Outcomes: 1. Create a new company within the QuickBooks Environment 2. Enter a new account. 3. Demonstrate the ability to properly enter transactions into the A/R, A/P, and other functional areas of the program. 4. Properly run reconciliation reports or bank accounts. 5. Customize and print out financial statements.
- 学科:
- Accounting
- 创造者:
- Linn Benton Virtual College
- Resource Type:
- Full Course
- 描述:
- This course presents statistical analysis and quantitative tools for applied problem solving and making sound business decisions. Special attention is given to assembling statistical description, sampling, inference, regression, hypothesis testing, forecasting, and decision theory. Course Outcomes: 1. Understand the meaning and use of statistical terms used in today’s business/economic environment. 2. Collect, organize, summarize, interpret, and present data in tables and charts. 3. Apply descriptive statistical measures to data. 4. Apply probability distributions to model various business and economic processes. 5. Apply statistical inference techniques (including statistical estimation and hypothesis testing) in various business and economic situations. 6. Apply simple linear regression analysis to model various business and economic relationships.
- 学科:
- Marketing
- 创造者:
- Linn Benton Virtual College
- Resource Type:
- Full Course
- 描述:
- An analysis of the behavior of humans as actors in a variety or organizational contexts and cultures, including group, inter-group, and individual behavior. A cross cultural perspective of organizational behavior is also examined, including the concepts of time-management, work ethic, teamwork, and verbal and non-verbal communication. Course Outcomes: 1. Describe why managers and entrepreneurs require a knowledge of organizational behavior. 2. Describe characteristics of culture and resulting behavioral tendencies (especially as related to communication, teamwork and leadership, and conflict resolution). 3. Explain the foundations of individual behavior in diverse organizational and cultural settings. 4. Explain the foundations of group behavior in diverse organizational and cultural settings. 5. Discuss inter-group behavior. 6. Identify the rules of organizational design. 7. Describe organizational culture.
- 学科:
- Public Relations
- 创造者:
- Linn Benton Virtual College
- Resource Type:
- Full Course
- 描述:
- The course helps you identify information-bearing events, assess and improve process efficiency, learn to model and analyze business processes, recognize probabilistic components of business processes, and understand the interactions between human behavior and process design. Hands-on, case-based course work allows you to practice some of the principles addressed. You will demonstrate the ability to utilize business computer applications. Course Outcomes: Conceptualize business operations as processes. 1. Model simple business processes in terms of the actors and activity sequences involved, the data flowing through those sequences and the dependencies between data and business activities. 2. Recognize probabilistic components of business processes and assign distributions to these components. 3. Characterize business processes in terms of their key operations characteristics; e.g.,productivity, efficiency, service quality, sustainability, time and costs associated with waiting, material volume and service/product customization. 4. Formulate improvements to observed processes and estimate the effects of these improvements with the help of simulation. 5. Identify the role of information systems in business processes; e.g., recognize and specify where information technology can be applied; recognize the role of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. 6. Recognize the interdependence of business processes within and across organizational boundaries.
- 学科:
- Management
- 创造者:
- Linn Benton Virtual College
- Resource Type:
- Full Course
- 描述:
- This course covers processes and fundamentals of writing expository essays, including structure, organization and development, diction and style, revision and editing, and mechanics required for college-level writing. Course Outcomes: 1. Analyze the rhetorical needs (the needs of their audience in relationship to the assignment) for academically-oriented writing assignments requiring them to use a broad range of critical thinking strategies, particularly analysis and evaluation. 2. Apply appropriate levels of critical thinking strategies (knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation) in their written assignments. 3. Implement appropriate rhetorical elements and organization (introduction, thesis, development and support, definition, narration, comparison, conclusion, etc.) in their written assignments. 4. Locate, evaluate, and integrate high-quality information and opinion appropriate for college-level analytical and evaluation assignments. 5. Craft sentences and paragraphs that communicate their ideas clearly and effectively using words, sentence patterns, and writing conventions at a college level to make their writing clear, credible and persuasive.
- 学科:
- Linguistics
- 创造者:
- Linn Benton Virtual College
- Resource Type:
- Full Course
- 描述:
- Emphasis will be the logical means of supporting claims in argumentative essays, thesis statements, and reasoning; including logic, style, and research. Course Outcomes: 1. Analyze the rhetorical needs (the needs of their audience in relationship to the assignment) for college-level persuasive writing assignments. 2. Apply appropriate levels of critical thinking strategies (knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation) in their written assignments, with an emphasis on analysis and evaluation/persuasion. 3. Implement appropriate rhetorical elements and organization (introduction, thesis, development and support, counter-argument, conclusion, etc.) in their written assignments, with an emphasis on standard argument models, particularly the Toulmin model. 4. Locate, evaluate, and integrate high-quality information and opinion appropriate for college-level analysis and argument assignments. 5. Craft sentences and paragraphs that communicate their ideas clearly and effectively using words, sentence patterns, and writing conventions at a high college level to make their writing clear, credible, and persuasive.
- 学科:
- Language, Grammar and Vocabulary
- 创造者:
- Linn Benton Virtual College
- Resource Type:
- Full Course
- 描述:
- This course covers topics dealing with financing a business, analysis of financial statements, working capital management, short-and long-term financial planning, budgeting and control. Course Outcomes: 1. Describe and interpret the four standard financial statements. 2. Describe the importance of current assets and liabilities. 3. Calculate and interpret standard business ratios including: current, inventory turnover, gross margin (profit), ROA, ROE, EPS, and A/R Days. 4. Discuss the difference between markup and margin. 5. Calculate break-even points and units needed to make profit levels. 6. Calculate working capital and estimate minimum cash reserves. 7. Track cash flows for an organization.
- 学科:
- Finance
- 创造者:
- Linn Benton Virtual College
- Resource Type:
- Full Course