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Open Educational Resources
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- Beschreibung:
- This course introduces the framework of the law as it affects a business, including the origins of the American legal system, how the law operates, and how it is enforced. It covers legal regulation of business, including civil and criminal law, formation of contracts, employment law, environmental regulation, real estate, and consumer rights. Course Outcomes: 1. Explain the origins of the American legal system. 2. Apply elements of law to specific individual and business scenarios. 3. Understand the requirements for a valid contract and apply those requirements to specific contractual activities. 4. Recognize the interconnectedness of the legal system to business, society, and the environment. 5. Explain the impact of the uniform commercial code, UCC, on the business environment.
- Fach:
- Law
- Schöpfer:
- Linn Benton Virtual College
- Resource Type:
- Full Course
- Beschreibung:
- This course focuses on the entrepreneurial phases associated with start-up and management of small business. This course will teach future entrepreneurs and managers to recognize opportunities and to use effective entrepreneurial and small business management practices. Course Outcomes: 1. List and discuss the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs. 2. Analyze new business opportunities that exist in the marketplace. 3. Evaluate the feasibility of pursuing an opportunity that you’ve recognized. 4. Develop a business plan that includes both conceptual and technical components. 5. Identify and discuss obstacles to entrepreneurial success. 6. Identify the resources and financing necessary to start an entrepreneurial venture. 7. Discuss organizational characteristics and best management practices for start-up companies.
- Fach:
- Management
- Schöpfer:
- Linn Benton Virtual College
- Resource Type:
- Full Course
- Beschreibung:
- This course is designed to use technology as a productivity tool within a business environment through the use and integration of various software packages. You will use word processing software for formatting business correspondence, creating tables, multipage document, graphical elements, mail merging, and other features. Spreadsheet software will be used to create formulas, use built-in function for calculations, create charts/graphs, reference other worksheets/cells, and create absolute cell references as well as other formatting and editing features. Presentations software will be use to produce, edit, and create visually compelling presentations for business outcomes. Course Outcomes: 1. Word processing software -- Use the features of a word processing program to produce, edit, and enhance business documents. 2. Spreadsheet software -- Use and understand a spreadsheet software program to create, edit, and format spreadsheets and charts. 3. Presentations software -- Use the features of a presentations program to produce, edit, and make visually appealing presentations.
- Fach:
- Computer Science
- Schöpfer:
- Linn Benton Virtual College
- Resource Type:
- Full Course
- Beschreibung:
- This course is designed to use technology as a productivity tool within a business environment through the use of database software. You will use database software for creating tables, forms, and reports by manipulating data through various query tools. Course Outcomes: 1. Produce a simple relational database that stores information. 2. Create queries that retrieve specified information. 3. Create forms for entering data into the database. 4. Produce informative reports with the information in the database
- Fach:
- Information Science
- Schöpfer:
- Linn Benton Virtual College
- Resource Type:
- Full Course
- Beschreibung:
- Medical Terminology and Body Systems I prepares you to use appropriate medical terminology to identify the structural organization of the body, identify body systems, and describe body special orientation. You will identify the normal function of each body system. You will identify word parts and abbreviations as they relate to body systems. This course has 4 Credit Units that will assist you in learning the course objectives. NOTE: This is a Terminology course which will require you to properly pronounce words. You will need a set of headphones with a microphone attached in order to complete some assignments. Ear buds with microphone work just fine. Course Outcomes: 1. Describe the structural organization of the human body and to identify Body Systems. 2. Describe Body Planes, Directional terms, quadrants, and cavities. 3. Describe the normal function of each body system, identify its major organs as well as their anatomical location. 4. Identify medical terms, labeling the word parts and define both medical terms and abbreviations related to all body systems. 5. Identify and analyze treatment modalities, normal function, organization, and diagnostic measures, for the following body systems: a. Integumentary System b. Skeletal System c. Muscles and Joints d. Nervous System e. Blood and Lymphatic Systems
- Fach:
- Anatomy/Physiology
- Schöpfer:
- Linn Benton Virtual College
- Resource Type:
- Full Course
- Beschreibung:
- Medical Terminology and Body Systems II prepares you to list major organs in each body system, describe their function, and identify and analyze pathologies related to each system. You will be able to discuss implications for disease and disability as it relates to each system, as well as issues related to treatment for each pathology and how it changes throughout the lifespan. This course has 4 Credit Units that will assist you in learning the course objectives. Course Outcomes: 1. Describe the normal function of the following body systems, identifying major organs as well as their anatomical location: a. Cardiovascular b. Respiratory c. Digestive d. Endocrine e. Eyes and Ears f. Urinary g. Male and Female Genital and Reproductive Systems h. Obstetrics 2. Identify major organs as well as their anatomical location in the following body systems: a. Cardiovascular b. Respiratory c. Digestive d. Endocrine e. Eyes and Ears f. Urinary g. Male and Female Genital and Reproductive Systems h. Obstetrics 3. Analyze treatment modalities and diagnostic measures for the following body systems: a. Cardiovascular b. Respiratory c. Digestive d. Endocrine e. Eyes and Ears f. Urinary g. Male and Female Genital and Reproductive Systems h. Obstetrics
- Fach:
- Anatomy/Physiology
- Schöpfer:
- Linn Benton Virtual College
- Resource Type:
- Full Course
- Beschreibung:
- This course prepares the student to list major specialties in medicine, allied health, and their qualifications as well as their contribution to the overall health care system. The student will be able to discuss acute and chronic body system diseases, processes, and failures addressed by these major specialties and branches of allied health, as well as common treatment modalities for each system and how these might change throughout the lifespan. Course Outcomes: 1. Describe the normal scope of practice of the following disciplines: a. Pediatrics b. Diagnostic Imaging c. Oncology d. Pharmacology e. Mental Health f. Gerontology 2. Analyze treatment modalities and diagnostic measures for the following disciplines: a. Pediatrics b. Diagnostic Imaging c. Oncology d. Pharmacology e. Mental Health f. Gerontology 3. Demonstrate the coordination of necessary care planning for chronic disease management in all body systems.
- Fach:
- Anatomy/Physiology
- Schöpfer:
- Linn Benton Virtual College
- Resource Type:
- Full Course
- Beschreibung:
- This Medical Office Communications course is designed to help prepare you to use effective communication in the medical setting. You will learn a variety of communication methods specific to the medical office. This course is designed to assist you in discovering applications of good communication skills, as well as provide elements of critical thinking. This course has 3 Credit Units that emphasize a variety of communication competencies. NOTE: This is a Communication class which inherently requires meaningful interaction with other people. As a student in this class, you will be required to regularly have other individuals assist you with assignments. Use the Credit Unit Syllabi found below to help you plan ahead so that as you prepare to take this course you have a pool of individuals available who are willing to help you complete Module assessments. Furthermore, although this is NOT a writing course, it is expected that you will write in a professional manner similar to the expectations when you are employed. This course requires APA style writing. For more information on this type of writing, the Purdue Online Writing Lab provides an excellent resource and can be found at the following link: OWL (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Web page) Write in complete sentences. Do not use abbreviations. (Example: Do not instead of don't) Use 12 point font - preferably New Times Roman or Arial Use a program and check your spelling and grammar before submission EVERY time. Course Outcomes: 1. Use language/verbal skills that enable patients' understanding. 2. Recognize communication barriers. 3. Advocate on behalf of patients. 4. Respond to nonverbal communication. 5. Apply active listening skills. 6. Use appropriate body language and other nonverbal skills in communicating with patient, family and staff. 7. Demonstrate awareness of the territorial boundaries of the person when communicating.
- Fach:
- Health, Medicine and Nursing
- Schöpfer:
- Linn Benton Virtual College
- Resource Type:
- Full Course
- Beschreibung:
- Students will be able to foster an appreciation of literature and develop creative skills in public speaking and performance. Students will analyze various literary forms (poetry, novels, plays, letters, diaries, etc.) as texts for oral presentation. Students will explore oral traditions and other nonliterary sources and events as oral presentation material. Class exercises introduce vocal, physical and other speaking techniques to effectively communicate a point of view. Recommended: College-level reading and writing skills are highly recommended for success in this course.
- Fach:
- Performing Arts
- Schöpfer:
- Tinamarie Ivey
- Herausgeber:
- Linn-Benton Community College
- Resource Type:
- Full Course
- Beschreibung:
- This course prepares the student to properly document and organize information for the medical record. This class prepares the student to initially screen patient calls for emergency and other medical intervention. NOTE: This is a class that will require you to submit roleplay videos. Plan ahead as you prepare to take this course, and have a pool of individuals available who are willing to be videotaped for these short roleplay assessments. Course Outcomes: 1. Create a list of current community resources for patient needs. 2. Perform patient screening using established protocols. 3. Organize technical information and summaries. 4. Use medical terminology correctly to document patient encounters. 5. Document in appropriate formats in Electronic Medical Record. 6. Demonstrate professional telephone techniques.
- Fach:
- Health, Medicine and Nursing
- Schöpfer:
- Linn Benton Virtual College
- Resource Type:
- Full Course