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Open Educational Resources
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- Descrizione:
- Introduces the field of computer science and programming for students interested in careers in related fields. Covers digital logic, binary and hexadecimal encoding of data, computer organization, operating systems, algorithms, control structures, and an overview of programming languages and pseudo-code. Computing's impact on culture and society is a recurring theme throughout this course.
- Parola chiave:
- Robotics, LBCC OER Grant, and Python
- Soggetto:
- Computer Science
- Creatore:
- Sisi Virasak
- Collaboratore:
- Alexander Buck
- Editore:
- Linn-Benton Community College
- Lingua:
- English
- data di creazione:
- 2019
- Resource Type:
- Syllabus, Full Course, Unit of Study, Homework/Assignment, Activity/Lab, Reading, Interactive, Assessment, Data Set, Lesson, and Module
- Descrizione:
- Introduction to epidemiology and the use of elementary statistics for students in health-related studies. This course is designed to provide preparatory background for taking subsequent course in epidemiology and health data analysis offered by the Department of Public Health. This course introduces measure of disease frequency, analytical epidemiology, study designs, experimental design, and basic elements of descriptive statistics and inferential statistics.
- Soggetto:
- Health, Medicine and Nursing
- Creatore:
- Kristi Murphey
- Editore:
- Linn-Benton Community College
- Lingua:
- English
- data di creazione:
- 2019
- Resource Type:
- Textbook
- Descrizione:
- This course is intended to provide a foundation in the skills and knowledge you'll need to create, remix, adopt, or update open educational resources (OER). Specifically, by the end of the course you'll be able to: Apply backward design in order to plan learning goals, assessment, and appropriate scaffolding/support, Describe the meaning of open educational resources, Locate open educational resources relevant to course learning outcomes, Properly attribute works offered under a Creative Commons license, Identify and create works that are accessible to all students, Add a Creative Commons license to your own work and share back with your disciplinary community.
- Soggetto:
- Information Science and Educational Technology
- Creatore:
- Michaela Willi Hooper
- Editore:
- Linn-Benton Community College
- Lingua:
- English
- data di creazione:
- 2019
- Resource Type:
- Full Course
- Descrizione:
- This is the second of two courses in the administration of Microsoft Windows® client/server networked operating systems. The courses CS 240A and CS 240B are laboratory-intensive courses that provide hands-on experience in the planning, installation, and administration of Microsoft Windows® client/server networks. The two courses provide partial preparation for the MCSA® and MCSE® exams.
- Soggetto:
- Computer Science
- Creatore:
- Ziko Rizk
- Editore:
- Linn-Benton Community College
- Lingua:
- English
- data di creazione:
- 2019
- Resource Type:
- Full Course
- Descrizione:
- This is the first of two courses in the administration of Microsoft Windows® client/server networked operating systems. The courses CS 240A and CS 240B are laboratory-intensive courses that provide hands-on experience in the planning, installation, and administration of Microsoft Windows® client/server networks. The two courses provide partial preparation for the MCSA® and MCSE® exams.
- Soggetto:
- Computer Science
- Creatore:
- Ziko Rizk
- Editore:
- Linn-Benton Community College
- Lingua:
- English
- data di creazione:
- 2019
- Resource Type:
- Full Course
- Descrizione:
- Moodle shell with example syllabus and links to Earth Rocks! videos produced by Katryn Wiese, Earth Sciences Department, City College of San Francisco. Course description: introductory lab science course that examines the four major categories of oceanographic study: geological, physical, chemical and biological. Emphasizes the geological and geophysical aspects of the sea floor; physical and chemical properties of sea water, waves, tides, ocean circulation and currents; marine ecosystems; and ocean utilization.
- Soggetto:
- Oceanography
- Creatore:
- Katharine Solada
- Editore:
- Linn-Benton Community College
- Lingua:
- English
- data di creazione:
- 2019
- Resource Type:
- Full Course
- Descrizione:
- Radiation Safety (NDT 130) is the first in a series of Industrial Radiographic Testing classes taught at Linn Benton Community College (LBCC) in Albany, Oregon. 40 hours of Radiation Safety training is required of any individual working with x-ray and Gamma radiation sources in industrial radiographic testing, including industrial radiographic inspection students. NDT 130 is part of LBCC’s two-year Associate of Applied Science program in Non-Destructive Testing (NDT). The purpose of this OER is to provide students with a comprehensive textbook aligned with the NDT 130 course as taught at LBCC. NDT 130 is taught in accordance with ASNT, SNT TC-1A recommended practice and topical outline following ANSI/ASNT CP-105 2016 guidelines (page 63) for Basic Radiographic Physics Course and Appendix A (pages 113-114) for Radiation Safety topical outline.
- Soggetto:
- Manufacturing
- Creatore:
- Jason Scott Ballard
- Collaboratore:
- Susan Mejia
- Editore:
- Open Oregon Educational Resources
- Lingua:
- English and Spanish
- data di creazione:
- 2019
- Resource Type:
- Textbook
- Descrizione:
- Being able to read and understand, as well as sketch, or even draw a blueprint, is important to the making of accurate parts and complete fabrications. Blueprints are tools that communicate what needs to be built or made, what materials are needed and what specifications are required. They insure that a design is made with complete accuracy what meets the needs of the customer. This book is an updated version of the originally authored publication by the Department of Engineering and Drafting Technology Department at Linn-Benton Community College, in Albany Oregon.
- Soggetto:
- Welding
- Creatore:
- Ric Costin
- Editore:
- Open Oregon Educational Resources
- Lingua:
- English
- data di creazione:
- 2019
- Resource Type:
- Textbook
- Descrizione:
- Subject areas include use of layout and fabrication tools, structural steel connections and components, chalk line layout, tank layout, ladder layout, stair layout, ring-flange layout, pipefitting fit-up, fall-protection, and rigging.
- Soggetto:
- Welding
- Creatore:
- Cameren Moran
- Editore:
- Open Oregon Educational Resources
- Lingua:
- English
- data di creazione:
- 2019
- Resource Type:
- Textbook
- Descrizione:
- This booklet will lay out step by step procedures and how they can aid a crafts-person to build templates to build both simple and complicated fabricated parts. Types of materials that can be used with these templates is a combination of flat sheet and round tube our pipe.In order to be successful in the use of this booklet you need to have a good understanding of basic blueprint reading skills, industrial math skill and also basic geometry. Couple this with welding and fabrication skills you can produce a wide variety of fabrications and weldments. This booklet will start off with simple flat patterns and work in to more complex templates for pipe.
- Soggetto:
- Welding
- Creatore:
- Marc Rose
- Editore:
- Open Oregon Educational Resources
- Lingua:
- English
- data di creazione:
- 2019
- Resource Type:
- Textbook